Coeur tamsir
10 ways you can help Coeur Tamsir
- 1. By becoming a member of Cœur Tamsir
- 2. By sponsoring an orphan
- 3. By taking in charge a patient Cœur Tamsir
- 4. By making regular or occasional donations
- 5. By collecting donations in kind, such as
a) clothes in good condition ;
b) Senegalese program books in good condition;
c) picture books, reading books, discovery books...
d) by providing school supplies;
e) providing clothing for orphans during the festive season
Korité, Easter, Tabaski and Christmas.
f) providing food kits for needy families
- 6. By talking about the Coeur Tamsir association around you (families, businesses, neighbors, etc.)
- 7. By subscribing to and sharing our digital pages on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube
- 8. By taking part in field visits
- 9. By making your expertise available to Coeur Tamsir (example: a doctor who provides free consultations to Coeur Tamsir orphans, a developer who creates Coeur Tamsir's website, etc.).
- 10. By connecting Coeur Tamsir to people of good will and/or funding organizations.