for a better future

A word from our President
Mamadou Diop, affectionately known as Tamsir, was a multidimensional man. All those who knew him attributed rare qualities to him. Imbued with civility and altruism, Tamsir was a prodigious son, a dear brother, a colleague of great probity, a caring husband and a virtuous son-in-law. He always found the deferential gesture, the cordial word to soothe suffering and hearts.
It is this heart of Tamsir's, his humanism, that we would like to magnify, invigorate and set an example by trying to perpetuate the graces and rays with which Tamsir illuminated the hearts of his fellow human beings, whether at home, in the service, in hospitals, in the community...
Cœur Tamsir strives to help, support and propel orphans, needy patients and vulnerable groups towards a better future.

Support for orphans

Solidarity and access to healthcare
Supporting orphans and vulnerable communities
Nous sommes une organisation qui se consacre aux actions humanitaires et solidaires auprès des communautés vulnérables, en mettant l’accent sur les orphelins. Notre objectif est de permettre à chaque orphelin de réaliser son plein potentiel, indépendamment de son passé ou de sa situation actuelle. Nous travaillons également à améliorer l’accès aux soins médicaux pour les personnes défavorisées et à étendre notre soutien aux populations dans le besoin.
Food kits and envelopes distributed to the needy in 22/23
Creating a world of possibilities

Professional guidance
We provide unwavering support to orphans for their educational journey, covering tuition fees, school supplies, and offering comprehensive assistance for their well-being and future.

Professional Guidance
Our program leads orphans towards a flourishing professional future by offering specialized training and the entrepreneurial skills necessary to succeed in the workforce.

Medical Care
We stand by our little hearts in times of illness, ensuring high-quality medical care and covering the costs of necessary treatments.

Spreading joy with beautifully crafted outfits filled with love, we bring radiant smiles to the faces of orphans during the holidays
Providing the resources to succeed
Orphan Program
Orphan Program
Academic support, medical care, professional guidance, and joyful moments during festivities.
Solidarity initiatives
Solidarity initiatives
Sustainable assistance to promote economic independence. Distribution of food parcels and envelopes during celebrations. Timely aid for the most vulnerable.
Children medical care
Children medical care
Medical support for needy patients through a fair selection process.
Our Values
We are committed to helping underprivileged orphans and disadvantaged people. We also encourage collaboration by joining our collective efforts to provide education and support for children, as well as access to healthcare. In addition, we support vulnerable populations to improve their quality of life.
We support our beneficiaries with discretion and humility, so that they can meet life's challenges while preserving their dignity.
We are committed to helping orphans in precarious situations and disadvantaged people, and promote collaboration and mutual aid by joining the collective effort to provide schooling and support for children, and access to healthcare. We also support vulnerable groups to improve their quality of life.
We serve the most disadvantaged orphans and vulnerable groups equitably, without discrimination and with respect for their cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds.
We are driven by a deep sense of empathy and care for the orphans and vulnerable communities we serve. This compassion motivates our efforts to provide care, support and opportunities to the people who need them most.
We value collaboration with other organizations, individuals and communities to maximize our impact.
We look for new and creative ways to meet the challenges faced by the communities we serve. We remain open to new ideas, experiment with new approaches and constantly seek to improve the way we do things.
Our ambitions
Un orphelinat au sein du centre Cœur Tamsir offrira un foyer sûr et aimant aux enfants vulnérables, leur dispensant une éducation de qualité et des opportunités de développement personnel. Les installations modernes et les programmes de leadership renforcent leur confiance, leurs compétences et leur résilience pour un avenir prometteur.
The Cœur Tamsir center will include a learning unit offering a variety of vocational training, entrepreneurship and financial literacy courses. A modern library will stimulate learning, innovation and creativity with advanced technologies. A wellness unit will offer play areas, relaxation and interactive activities for children, including a summer camp.
The Coeur Tamsir center will house a not-for-profit hospital equipped with the latest medical advances. Compassionate care will be provided by a qualified team, and partnerships with healthcare providers will enable reduced rates to be offered to eligible patients. The hospital will also play an educational role, providing information on health and disease prevention.
A team of volunteers committed to the Coeur Tamsir mission

Aissatou Bintou Khairy Thilor NDIAYE

El Hadji Seydou Nourou DIOP

Ramatoulaye NDIAYE

Macodou NDIAYE

Cheikh Ibrahima DIOP

Bineta Aissa HANN

Mohammad Lamine NDIAYE

El Hadji Momar Marème DIOP
Our activities in pictures
Tous les bénéfices rapportés serviront à financer la boutique social de Cœur Tamsir
5.000CFAHoodie blanc
5.000CFASac d’écolier
5.000CFASac tissu fourre tout
5.000CFASticker pour véhicule