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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Orphan Program

Academic support

Through this program, we work tirelessly to keep orphans in school. We support the orphans in paying their school fees until they graduate from high school. We provide them with school supplies and enroll them in the school canteen for the current academic year. Our main concern is the education, well-being and future of these children.

Medical Care

When our orphans fall ill, we accompany them to the best possible medical care and pay for their treatment.

Professional guidance

Our aim is to support orphans who decide to take up vocational training so that they can enter the world of work. We help them pursue training that corresponds to their field of interest, whether it's sewing, welding, carpentry or cooking, ... and introduce them to financial literacy and entrepreneurship.


  • Aid-El-Fitr/Easter : These celebrations are one of the occasions when we can show our solidarity by bringing joy to orphans. A smile lights up a face, but a smile painted on an orphan's face has a greater impact. That's why we get involved every year to celebrate these happy occasions. We make beautiful outfits for orphans so they can experience the joy of the holidays with their families. 
  • Aid-El-Adha/Noël : Nothing makes us happier than to see the orphans, our little hearts, smile and forget their sadness and loneliness. We take advantage of these occasions to treat them to new clothes, just like any other child.

Solidarity initiatives

Sustainable support for disadvantaged groups

This program aims to integrate vulnerable communities into the economy and help them achieve financial independence. Cœur Tamsir works closely with these communities to identify income-generating activities that can sustain them over the long term. By providing training and resources, we help these people acquire the skills and knowledge they need to carry out these activities and improve their livelihoods. Our aim is to empower these communities to take charge of their own economic future, rather than relying on outside help. Through this integration component, we hope to create a sustainable support system that can have a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.


During Lent or Ramadan, Cœur Tamsir strives to provide as much food as possible to underprivileged families. To this end, we offer complete food packages for families throughout Senegal.


During the Aid-El-Adha/Tabaski holiday, we offer sheep to the most vulnerable communities.

Occasional donations

Donations in kind are distributed to daraas of talibés, to people in need such as the disabled, people with reduced vision (total or partial blindness), widows, etc. We also donate books to libraries and clothing and hygiene products to detention centers and prisons. We also donate books to libraries and clothing and hygiene products to detention centers and prisons.

Child care

Medical support

In a world where access to healthcare is often limited by financial means, we offer support to children under 18 who cannot afford to pay for expensive surgery or treatment. We collaborate with public health structures to accompany patients through surgery and treatment. We also partner with other organizations to provide additional support, such as mental health services or financial assistance to cover other expenses. All with the aim of providing life-saving treatments and surgeries to people who might not otherwise have access to them.

Care algorithm

In collaboration with public health care providers, we identify beneficiaries on the basis of clear eligibility criteria. Next, eligible beneficiaries/legal guardians complete an application form providing their personal details, medical history and proof of income and/or a letter explaining their financial situation. The field team carries out a socio-economic survey and meets with the patient. The steering committee reviews the application and verifies eligibility before making a decision. Once the request has been approved, we issue payment directly to the public health care provider on behalf of the eligible beneficiary. The beneficiary is informed of the amount paid. We keep in touch with the beneficiary and the healthcare provider to ensure proper medical follow-up and to assess any additional needs that may arise.

